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Tuesday, May 25, 2004
"Michael Moore Conservatives"?

Adrian Woolridge, the Economist's Washington correspondent and co-author of The Right Nation: Conservative Power in America, writes in The Weekly Standard on how the Tories are beginning more and more to resemble American liberals. What are the reasons for this? One's Tony Blair:

American conservatives may regard Blair as a reincarnation of Winston Churchill, but for most Tories he is the devil incarnate, a cultural vandal who is destroying great British institutions, from the House of Lords to fox hunting, in the name of nonsense such as "Cool Britannia." Tories resent Blair for showing more backbone in dealing with America's enemies, in the form of al Qaeda, than he showed in dealing with the IRA; some of them are also bitter at George W. Bush for bestowing the Churchillian mantle on a left-wing lightweight.
For more reasons, read the whole article.

It's at times like these

That I'm glad I'm not at Berkeley. Although, to be fair, we don't know Dartmouth will react until Pipes is actually invited here, which I'm willing to bet won't happen. Read the whole article. Thanks to Volokh for the link.

Wednesday, May 19, 2004
Can there be such thing as good news from Iraq?

Chrenkoff from Down Under has some facts for the doomsayers. (Thanks to Pejman for the link.)

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

1) Michael Totten takes issue with this Paul Savoy piece in The Nation. I found these sentences particularly strong:

It’s true that many people are dead in Iraq because of what we did. It’s equally true that a larger number are alive because of what we did. The well-being of Iraqis isn’t even remotely what’s at issue to Mr. Savoy. He only cares that we are morally pure. Tyranny, barbarism, and genocide are fine with him in a lesser-evil sort of way as long as we can sit safe and sound on our side of the ocean and not have to dirty ourselves by messing with it.
2) Armavirumque reproduces a New York Sun profile of Anthony Daniels (Theodore Darymple) - a quite superb writer.

Monday, May 17, 2004
An Islamist speaks

Canada's National Post has some revealing comments by one Khalid Khawaja, a friend of Osama bin Laden:

"Your civilization is selfish and self-centred. Just you want to live and enjoy yourselves and that is all, you don't give."

"We don't believe in killing innocent people but we would certainly like to send you into the Stone Age the same way you have sent us into the Stone Age."

No further comments required. (Thanks to Daniel Pipes for the link.)

Random fact of the day

In the wake of recent claims that Diane Kruger simply isn't hot enough to launch a thousand ships, Josh Chafetz points out that the phrase we associate with Helen of Troy ("the face that launched a thousand ships") is in fact not from ancient Greek texts (although Aeschylus does mention that "A thousand ships from Argive land / Put forth to bear the martial band"), but from Christopher Marlowe's Doctor Faustus.


Postings will be somewhat sporadic until May 28, which is when my thesis is due. In the meanwhile, check out Free Dartmouth and (comments-enabled) Dartlog.

Monday, May 10, 2004

Will all the relevant parties in the blitzwar with the subject heading "Recycle Your Dartmouth Review" please, please go away and leave me in peace.

Thank you.

Dartlog has comments enabled

Who will become Dartlog's equivalent of John Buckholz at Free Dartmouth?

Opinion Duel, II

Be sure to check out Opinion Duel for a debate between Spencer Ackerman of The New Republic and Mac Owens of National Review on the postwar situation in Iraq. A model of civilized disagreement, if ever there was one.

Saturday, May 08, 2004

Reflections in D Minor gives me the opportunity to show off how much I haven't read (those that I have read are in bold):

Achebe, Chinua - Things Fall Apart
Agee, James - A Death in the Family
Austen, Jane - Pride and Prejudice
Baldwin, James - Go Tell It on the Mountain
Beckett, Samuel - Waiting for Godot
Bellow, Saul - The Adventures of Augie March
Brontë, Charlotte - Jane Eyre
Brontë, Emily - Wuthering Heights

Camus, Albert - The Stranger
Cather, Willa - Death Comes for the Archbishop
Chaucer, Geoffrey - The Canterbury Tales
Chekhov, Anton - The Cherry Orchard
Chopin, Kate - The Awakening
Conrad, Joseph - Heart of Darkness
Cooper, James Fenimore - The Last of the Mohicans
Crane, Stephen - The Red Badge of Courage
Dante - Inferno
de Cervantes, Miguel - Don Quixote
Defoe, Daniel - Robinson Crusoe
Dickens, Charles - A Tale of Two Cities
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor - Crime and Punishment
Douglass, Frederick - Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass
Dreiser, Theodore - An American Tragedy
Dumas, Alexandre - The Three Musketeers
Eliot, George - The Mill on the Floss
Ellison, Ralph - Invisible Man

Emerson, Ralph Waldo - Selected Essays
Faulkner, William - As I Lay Dying
Faulkner, William - The Sound and the Fury
Fielding, Henry - Tom Jones
Fitzgerald, F. Scott - The Great Gatsby
Flaubert, Gustave - Madame Bovary

Ford, Ford Madox - The Good Soldier
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von - Faust
Golding, William - Lord of the Flies
Hardy, Thomas - Tess of the d'Urbervilles
Hawthorne, Nathaniel - The Scarlet Letter
Heller, Joseph - Catch 22
Hemingway, Ernest - A Farewell to Arms
Homer - The Iliad
Homer - The Odyssey

Hugo, Victor - The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Hurston, Zora Neale - Their Eyes Were Watching God
Huxley, Aldous - Brave New World
Ibsen, Henrik - A Doll's House
James, Henry - The Portrait of a Lady
James, Henry - The Turn of the Screw
Joyce, James - A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Kafka, Franz - The Metamorphosis
Kingston, Maxine Hong - The Woman Warrior
Lee, Harper - To Kill a Mockingbird
Lewis, Sinclair - Babbitt
London, Jack - The Call of the Wild
Mann, Thomas - The Magic Mountain
Marquez, Gabriel García - One Hundred Years of Solitude

Melville, Herman - Bartleby the Scrivener
Melville, Herman - Moby Dick
Miller, Arthur - The Crucible

Morrison, Toni - Beloved
O'Connor, Flannery - A Good Man is Hard to Find
O'Neill, Eugene - Long Day's Journey into Night
Orwell, George - Animal Farm

Pasternak, Boris - Doctor Zhivago
Plath, Sylvia - The Bell Jar
Poe, Edgar Allan - Selected Tales
Proust, Marcel - Swann's Way

Pynchon, Thomas - The Crying of Lot 49
Remarque, Erich Maria - All Quiet on the Western Front
Rostand, Edmond - Cyrano de Bergerac
Roth, Henry - Call It Sleep
Salinger, J.D. - The Catcher in the Rye
Shakespeare, William - Hamlet
Shakespeare, William - Macbeth
Shakespeare, William - A Midsummer Night's Dream

Shakespeare, William - Romeo and Juliet
Shaw, George Bernard - Pygmalion
Shelley, Mary - Frankenstein
Silko, Leslie Marmon - Ceremony
Solzhenitsyn, Alexander - One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
Sophocles - Antigone
Sophocles - Oedipus Rex
Steinbeck, John - The Grapes of Wrath
Stevenson, Robert Louis - Treasure Island
Stowe, Harriet Beecher - Uncle Tom's Cabin
Swift, Jonathan - Gulliver's Travels
Thackeray, William - Vanity Fair
Thoreau, Henry David - Walden
Tolstoy, Leo - War and Peace
Turgenev, Ivan - Fathers and Sons
Twain, Mark - The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Voltaire - Candide
Vonnegut, Kurt Jr. - Slaughterhouse-Five
Walker, Alice - The Color Purple
Wharton, Edith - The House of Mirth
Welty, Eudora - Collected Stories
Whitman, Walt - Leaves of Grass
Wilde, Oscar - The Picture of Dorian Gray
Williams, Tennessee - The Glass Menagerie
Woolf, Virginia - To the Lighthouse
Wright, Richard - Native Son

I seem to have done better than Pejman, although as he points out, the list is kinda arbitrary.

Wednesday, May 05, 2004

There's very little else I can say about this entry from protein wisdom.

I'm reminded of this effort by Mr. Derbyshire. Even Andrew Sullivan could have appreciated it.

Tuesday, May 04, 2004
COMMENCEMENT SPEAKER: Jeffrey Immelt '78, CEO and Chairman of General Electric

Good choice.

Oh, and Margaret Atwood's getting an honorary degree. That's good too.

Monday, May 03, 2004
Jared Diamond

Fellow 04s will recall being assigned Jared Diamond's Guns, Germs, and Steel in the summer of 2000 as reading for the Freshman Lecture later that year. I tried hard, but ultimately couldn't bear reading a purported history that was completely devoid of human personalities (save Montezuma, Cortez, Charles V, and the tribesman Yali).

Well, now's your chance to dust off that copy of GGS and pose the questions you've always wanted to ask about the book to the man himself. Prof. Diamond will be giving a lecture in 105 Dartmouth Hall this Wednesday at 4 pm on "Religious elites and the evolution of human culture." The official writeup of the event goes something like this: "Differences among human societies spring largely from geographical factors shaping technology, economic and social life, and forms of cultural expression. This lecture will focus on religion as a cause and consequence of human social development." That doesn't quite make sense to me. If Prof. Diamond is going to argue that religion, which is very much an anthropocentric phenomenon, stimulates human social development, then how still stands his thesis about geography as the cause of differentiation among human societies (a thesis, by the way, that I don't really believe in)?

Rocky blog

Dartmouth's Rockefeller Center now has a blog, run at the moment by Ryan Abraham '04 and Susan Napier '04. The one thing keeping it back seems to be a reluctance on the part of the posters to venture their own opinions. I can understand this reluctance: even if Rocky issues a disclaimer distancing itself as an institution from whatever views are expressed on the blog, people will invariably make that connection. Especially if someone says something particularly controversial. Still, the disclaimer should be made, and the posters should express their opinions: it's the best way to get a discussion going. Simply posing questions is unlikely to be effective.

Saturday, May 01, 2004
This is NOT a Dartobserver endorsement

It's that time of the Dartmouth year again: that's right, elections for the Student Assembly are around the corner. Running for SA President is one James Baehr '05, who seems like a decent chap, except that I can't understand -- for the life of me -- why he'd go to such extraordinary lengths to publicize his campaign. Not content with debating his fellow candidates and postering his mug everywhere, Baehr's established his own website, which, while not as spiffy as or, allows you to watch a homemade campaign video of him wandering the streets of LA seeking opinions from the man on the street. There's also a page full of endorsements by everyone from the President of the College Republicans to the President of the College Democrats to Larry James.

Does this all strike you as a bit...excessive? I mean, a campaign video? A website (with broken links)? It's only the Dartmouth College Student Assembly Presidency at stake, for goodness sake, not the American Presidency or even a Dartmouth Trusteeship. Perhaps I'm just cynical about politics at all levels.

Or maybe Baehr really cares.