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Tuesday, January 21, 2003
LOOK AT THIS Developing Story:

Timothy Waligore pointed out something interesting on the Free Dartmouth:

More Details in Former Weapons Inspector's Arrest
Channel Six News has learned that Colonie Police arrested former UN Weapons Inspector and Delmar resident Scott Ritter two years ago as part of an Internet sex sting operation. Sources say Ritter was charged in June of 2001 for trying to lure a 16 year-old girl he met online to a Burger King. But that 16-year old girl was really a Colonie Police investigator. Sources say Ritter was charged with a misdemeanor, but the case was adjourned in contemplation of dismissal and a judge sealed the record. Ritter searched Iraq for weapons in the years following the Gulf War. More recently, he's been speaking out against President Bush's policies on Iraq and has been a frequent contributor on national and local newscasts, including Channel 6 News.

When I was referring to "skeletons in the closet" in my last post on Ritter, I had no idea about this. Now of course he's innocent until proven guilty of being a pedophile. Still, if it were true, it would beg the question: was he blackmailed? is that the explanation for his strange behavior and bizarre flip-flops?

The following tow web sites provide more information:,2933,76196,00.html

Apparently, the story was first reported by The Daily Gazette on Saturday. It's also reported that Ritter was arrested before this incident with the sixteen year old girl when two months earlier he attempted to solicit a meeting with fourteen year old girl, who also was an undercover police officer. When the Gazette contacted Ritter about these charges, he apparently lied and said it was another Scott Ritter: "Sorry, you must have the wrong person." Now, the court records confirm that it was him involved in the cases. Whether or not he gets proven guilty of pedophilia in the courts, he obviously knew about the arrests and court cases he was involved in....which means he lied to the Gazette.